Monday, January 25, 2016

The best book to understand the Taliban according to Mullah Omar

First Draft Publishing: "Obedience to the Amir"
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"This book is the guide the Afghan Taliban used to organise themselves differently from other Afghan groups. Anyone who wants to defeat them or negotiate with them should understand the organisational principles that guide them."

Barnett R. Rubin, New York University

An insider's guide to

how the Taliban govern

First Draft Publishing's latest release is available now

In the last year of the Taliban's government in Afghanistan, visitors to Mullah Omar's office in Kandahar received a parting gift. As they left, the movement's supreme leader asked them to take a slim volume from a pile beside the door. He told them that if they wanted to know how the Taliban were meant to behave, they should read the book. The books which Mullah Omar handed out were Pashto and Farsi translation of Eta't Amir, or 'Obedience to the Leader'. Mufti Rasheed published the original in Urdu after having toured Taliban-run Afghanistan. Mullah Omar's endorsement indicates that he believed that Rasheed had captured the essence of the Taliban Movement. Michael Semple and Yameema Mitha have translated this important primary source and added a commentary and appraisal.

"In war, and especially guerrilla war, the best organised party is likely to win. While numbers of fighters and weapons count, organisation determines whether the leader can use them. This book is the guide the Afghan Taliban used to organise themselves differently from other Afghan groups. Anyone who wants to defeat them or negotiate with them should understand the organisational principles that guide them."

-- Barnett R. Rubin, Center on International Cooperation, New York University
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An Undesirable Element tells the fast-paced story of Afghanistan's former Higher Education minister and his struggle to ensure access across the country.
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Kandahar Assassins is an oral history of mujahedeen operations inside Kandahar City during the 1980s war.
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I Am Akbar Agha, the memoir of a Taliban insider, is also available for purchase in electronic and paperback formats.
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