Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I Am Akbar Agha: "mandatory reading" from a Taliban Insider

First Draft Publishing: "I Am Akbar Agha"
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"Mandatory reading via Alex Strick and Felix Kuehn: memoirs of a former Taliban insider, with a foreword written by Anand Gopal"

Graeme Smith
International Crisis Group's Afghanistan Senior Analyst

Memoir of a Taliban Insider

First Draft Publishing's first release is available now

Akbar Agha's book recounts his memories of war, friendship and political intrigue from within the Taliban's senior circles. Following in the tradition of Mullah Zaeef's My Life With the Taliban, Akbar Agha was a mujahedeen commander against the Soviets, a friend to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, and was caught up in the kidnap of UN workers after the fall of the Taliban government in 2001.

Starting in 1980s Kandahar, the difficulties and successes of the mujahedeen come through clearly as Akbar Agha struggles to administer a group of fighters. He details the different groups fighting in Kandahar, their cooperation and the scale of the Soviet Union's efforts to crush them.

Not directly a participant in the Taliban government that ruled post-1994, Akbar Agha offers a sometimes-critical account of the administration built by many of his former fighters. After the fall of the Islamic Emirate in 2001, Akbar Agha was involved in the Jaish ul-Muslimeen opposition group and for the first time he has revealed his account of what happened in the kidnapping of UN aid workers.

I Am Akbar Agha ends with an analysis of the problems afflicting Afghanistan and outlines a vision for the political future of the country post-elections and post-2015.

The book includes a foreword written by Anand Gopal, journalist and author of the critically-acclaimed No Good Men Among the Living.
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